Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President and sub-region representatives, joined by representatives of the current Annual Meeting host country and the next host country.

Membership on the Executive Committee is open to all member countries of the APPF with due regard to balance in regional representation. The term of office for an Executive Committee member representing a sub-region is four years, from May of the year of an annual meeting until April four years later, but the term for an Executive Committee member representing the host country of an Annual Meeting shall be from May of the year preceding the annual meeting until April following the Annual Meeting.

Two countries are elected from each of the following sub-regions, as self-determined by each individual region:

  • Northeast Asia (5 countries)
  • Southeast Asia (8 countries)
  • Oceania (6 countries) and
  • The Americas (8 countries)

The Executive Committee meets at least once a year, usually immediately prior to the Annual Meeting. It coordinates with and assists the host country of the Annual Meeting with the draft agenda and schedule of the Annual Meeting.

The Executive Committee may also submit recommendations to the Annual Meeting with regard to policy issues and/or the APPF's management.

Promoting regional cohesion, understanding and cooperation